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Investigated due to a coup attempt, Bolsonaro summons supporters to a manifestation in São Paulo

Former President Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party), who is under investigation due to a coup attempt, summoned a manifestation on Paulista Avenue, São Paulo, to be held on February 25.

Por Da Redação

15/02/2024 às 14:24:53 - Atualizado há
Foto: Reprodução internet

Investigations are getting closer to Bolsonaro

Operation Tempus Veritatis was the largest offensive by justice so far against Bolsonaro's aides and former aides, as well as high-ranking military officers who supported the former president.

The police inquiry that gave birth to the operation is the one investigating the so-called digital militias, a broad investigation opened by the Federal Police to investigate the actions not only of groups that spread disinformation and attacked public institutions during the Bolsonaro government but also to identify the use of the state structure to supply this network and guarantee political gains for the former president and his allies.

Headed by Alexandre de Moraes, the investigation has spared no effort to get to the heart of Bolsonaro's closest group of allies, and has at least two other lines of investigation that are advanced and could cause more headaches for the former president. Above all, the source of Bolsonaro's current problems is information found with his former aide Mauro Cid, who signed a plea bargain with the Federal Police after being arrested.

On Cid's electronic devices and in the cloud of his personal email account, investigators found compromising conversations on messaging apps, photos and the controversial video of the ministerial meeting on July 5, 2022 which, according to investigators, made clear the "dynamics" of the coup plot hatched from within the Bolsonaro government.

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