Resultado da Busca

Encontramos 64 resultados para o termo the town

Demonstrations on the streets throughout Brazil again against the 'Rape Bill'
Últimas Notícias

Demonstrations on the streets throughout Brazil again against the 'Rape Bill'

On Sunday (23), women from several places across Brazil took to the streets again to oppose the "Rape Bill," also known as the "Child Pregnancy Bill".

  • 24/06/2024
  • 14:44:37
  • Geral
Venezuela pede na Corte Internacional de Justiça volta de negociações com Guiana por Essequibo
Últimas Notícias

Venezuela pede na Corte Internacional de Justiça volta de negociações com Guiana por Essequibo

A Venezuela pediu nesta terça-feira (11) à Corte Internacional de Justiça (CIJ) que a Guiana volte a negociar o...

  • 12/06/2024
  • 13:07:10
  • Geral
Festival apresenta mais de 60 documentários musicais em SP

Festival apresenta mais de 60 documentários musicais em SP

Com a exibição de pelo menos 60 documentários nacionais e internacionais sobre música e uma intensa...

  • 09/06/2024
  • 12:42:20
  • Geral
Lula announces measures to keep jobs in Rio Grande do Sul and expand aid beneficiaries
Últimas Notícias

Lula announces measures to keep jobs in Rio Grande do Sul and expand aid beneficiaries

On Thursday (6), President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party) announced a new package of measures to support the population affected...

  • 07/06/2024
  • 14:10:56
  • Geral
Landless Rural Workers and Indigenous peoples take joint action in reforestation activity in Brazil
Últimas Notícias

Landless Rural Workers and Indigenous peoples take joint action in reforestation activity in Brazil

In a joint action, the Landless Rural Workers' Movement (MST, in Portuguese), Kaingang and Guarani Mbya Indigenous peoples airdropped three tons of...

  • 05/06/2024
  • 15:40:47
  • Geral
After expulsion followed by the arrest of a priest and a public defender, families camp neighboring a farm say they are under threat
Últimas Notícias

After expulsion followed by the arrest of a priest and a public defender, families camp neighboring a farm say they are under threat

Camped by the side of a road under high-voltage cables and on the edge of the Cinco Estrelas farm, in the rural area of the town of Novo Mundo, in...

  • 31/05/2024
  • 19:16:30
  • Geral
Últimas Notícias

After expulsion followed by the arrest of a priest and a public defender, families camp neighboring a farm say they are under threat

Camped by the side of a road under high-voltage cables and on the edge of the Cinco Estrelas farm, in the rural area of the town of Novo Mundo, in...

  • 31/05/2024
  • 18:16:32
  • Geral
Rio Grande do Sul Prosecutor's Office to look at state's partnership with US company Alvarez & Marsal
Últimas Notícias

Rio Grande do Sul Prosecutor's Office to look at state's partnership with US company Alvarez & Marsal

State deputy Laura Sito (Workers' Party) has called on the Rio Grande do Sul Public Prosecutor's Office (MP-RS, in Portuguese) to investigate the...

  • 21/05/2024
  • 16:51:25
  • Geral
Usina de Itaipu comemora 50 anos de fundação

Usina de Itaipu comemora 50 anos de fundação

A Itaipu Binacional comemora em maio duas datas importantes: os 50 anos de fundação da empresa, no dia 17, e 40 anos de...

  • 03/05/2024
  • 01:23:23
  • Geral
In an unprecedented action, Latin American organizations denounced Bayer to the OECD for glyphosate-related damages
Últimas Notícias

In an unprecedented action, Latin American organizations denounced Bayer to the OECD for glyphosate-related damages

In an unprecedented action, four organizations from Latin American countries and a German initiative joined a denouncement of the biochemical company

  • 29/04/2024
  • 11:33:01
  • Geral
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