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Encontramos 15 resultados para o termo Take Away

Dam project threatens Indigenous rituals, hunting areas and even gravesites in the Tenharim Marmelos Indigenous Land
Últimas Notícias

Dam project threatens Indigenous rituals, hunting areas and even gravesites in the Tenharim Marmelos Indigenous Land

Once a year, dozens of indigenous people from the Tenharim Marmelos Indigenous Land (IL), in the municipalities of Humaitá and...

  • 03/06/2024
  • 12:39:54
  • Geral
Find out how illegal miners in the Amazon use Elon Musk's internet to evade surveillance
Últimas Notícias

Find out how illegal miners in the Amazon use Elon Musk's internet to evade surveillance

In a video published on the social media platform TikTok, an illegal mining influencer shows off a vital working tool: a satellite internet antenna.

  • 15/05/2024
  • 19:08:35
  • Geral
Vale company benefited from violations against the Gavião Indigenous people during the dictatorship
Últimas Notícias

Vale company benefited from violations against the Gavião Indigenous people during the dictatorship

On February 28, 1985, the Vale do Rio Doce train passed through the Mãe Maria Indigenous Reserve in southeastern Pará state for the first time.

  • 07/05/2024
  • 14:03:34
  • Geral
Glenn Hughes, ex-Deep Purple, traz show inédito a Curitiba

Glenn Hughes, ex-Deep Purple, traz show inédito a Curitiba

O ex-Deep Purple Glenn Hughes traz seu show inédito para Curitiba na próxima quarta-feira (8).

  • 04/11/2023
  • 17:26:18
  • Geral
Summit between Latin America and the EU begins with Lula's defense of the environmental agenda
Últimas Notícias

Summit between Latin America and the EU begins with Lula's defense of the environmental agenda

This Monday, July 17, the summit bringing together countries from the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) and the European Union

  • 17/07/2023
  • 19:19:37
  • Geral
Games With Gay Sex Gay Portal

Games With Gay Sex Gay Portal

certainly I actually do! I may not have much of a history in the world of homoerotic media, but rest assured that I still know the ins and outs of...


Rebeldes decidem recuar e aumentam as chances de cessar-fogo no norte da Etiópia

Os rebeldes da TPLF (Frente de Libertação do Povo Tigré), partido político com um braço armado,...

  • 21/12/2021
  • 10:09:05
  • Geral

Covid: Brasil registra 1,4 mil casos e 49 mortes em 24 horas

Mais 1.419 pessoas foram infectadas pelo novo coronavírus, em 24 horas no Brasil. Desde o início da pandemia de covid, o total de...

  • 19/12/2021
  • 20:57:59
  • Geral


  Será o segundo restaurante do Grupo Madero na cidade   Os fãs das criações do chef e professor Junior Durski já podem comemorar a...

  • 01/08/2021
  • 15:58:36
  • Geral

Curitiba mantém bandeira amarela e prorroga o decreto que estabelece regras de controle da pandemia

Foto: Luiz Costa/SMCS Curitiba mantém bandeira amarela, de alerta do coronavírus, e prorroga até quarta-feira que vem, dia 28 de...

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