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Encontramos 14 resultados para o termo Made By You

Landless Rural Workers and Indigenous peoples take joint action in reforestation activity in Brazil
Últimas Notícias

Landless Rural Workers and Indigenous peoples take joint action in reforestation activity in Brazil

In a joint action, the Landless Rural Workers' Movement (MST, in Portuguese), Kaingang and Guarani Mbya Indigenous peoples airdropped three tons of...

  • 05/06/2024
  • 15:40:47
  • Geral
Consultorias dos EUA:
? Manchete Textual

Consultorias dos EUA: "capitalismo de desastre" toma a frente na reconstrução do RS

Por Gabriela Moncau – Brasil de Fato A persistência dos alagamentos e das chuvas, com direito a ciclone e geada, pintam um cenário

Vale company benefited from violations against the Gavião Indigenous people during the dictatorship
Últimas Notícias

Vale company benefited from violations against the Gavião Indigenous people during the dictatorship

On February 28, 1985, the Vale do Rio Doce train passed through the Mãe Maria Indigenous Reserve in southeastern Pará state for the first time.

  • 07/05/2024
  • 14:03:34
  • Geral
To Haitian intellectual, the crisis Haiti faces is one of 'political criminality' to make it easier for the US to intervene
Latest news

To Haitian intellectual, the crisis Haiti faces is one of 'political criminality' to make it easier for the US to intervene

The crisis Haiti has faced since the end of last year, with the announcement in October of a Kenyan-led UN Mission to send troops to the country,...

  • 12/04/2024
  • 10:17:57
  • Geral
Bolsonaro asks for 'erasing the past' and demands amnesty for the January 8 coup plotter
Últimas Notícias

Bolsonaro asks for 'erasing the past' and demands amnesty for the January 8 coup plotter

On Sunday (25), during an act on Paulista Avenue, former President Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party) asked Brazil to "erase the past", a reference to...

  • 26/02/2024
  • 18:24:11
  • Geral
How do monsters live? A panorama of the far right

How do monsters live? A panorama of the far right

When Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the 2022 Brazilian presidential elections, a kind of collective relief took not only Brazil, but also Latin...

Expert warns about risk of using espionage programs in Brazil
Últimas Notícias

Expert warns about risk of using espionage programs in Brazil

Revealed in 2023, the scandal involving the Brazilian Intelligence Agency's (Abin, in Portuguese) use of the espionage software First Mile to...

  • 10/01/2024
  • 17:37:37
  • Geral
Natação paralímpica: Brasil garante 6 pódios no Mundial, 4 com ouro
gabriel araújo

Natação paralímpica: Brasil garante 6 pódios no Mundial, 4 com ouro

O Brasil alcançou hoje (2) a quarta posição no quadro de medalhas do Mundial de natação paralímpica em Manchester (Inglaterra), ao subir seis

yabanc? iddaa siteleri - ?llegal Bahis Siteleri ?llegal Bahis Firmalar? Bahis ?irketleri

yabanc? iddaa siteleri - ?llegal Bahis Siteleri ?llegal Bahis Firmalar? Bahis ?irketleri

Yasad??? Bahis Oynama Suçunun Cezas? ve Memuriyete Etkisi yabanc? iddaa siteleri Bahis Siteleri Para Çekme ??lemi Yapt?rm?yorsa Ne...

  • 11/07/2023
  • 08:52:08
  • Geral

Deputado Eduardo Bolsonaro reorganiza a geopolítica brasileira nas redes sociais, mas desinformação contra a Reforma Tributária não funcionou

Coluna Pequena Londres Por Walace SO Buenas Pequena Londres, aí da beira do Lago Igapó para cá do da beira do rio Madeira em...

  • 10/07/2023
  • 17:48:32
  • Geral
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