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Encontramos 77 resultados para o termo Why

To Haitian intellectual, the crisis Haiti faces is one of 'political criminality' to make it easier for the US to intervene
Latest news

To Haitian intellectual, the crisis Haiti faces is one of 'political criminality' to make it easier for the US to intervene

The crisis Haiti has faced since the end of last year, with the announcement in October of a Kenyan-led UN Mission to send troops to the country,...

  • 12/04/2024
  • 10:17:57
  • Geral
She Believes: Brasil derrota Japão nos pênaltis para garantir 3º lugar
Futebol Feminino

She Believes: Brasil derrota Japão nos pênaltis para garantir 3º lugar

Contando com uma grande atuação da goleira Lorena, que defendeu quatro cobranças de pênalti, o Brasil conquistou a 3ª...

Elon Musk ameaça fechar escritório do X (antigo-Twitter) no Brasil, cita censura e provoca Moraes nas redes
Alexandre de Moraes

Elon Musk ameaça fechar escritório do X (antigo-Twitter) no Brasil, cita censura e provoca Moraes nas redes

Neste sábado (6), Elon Musk, dono do X (antigo-Twitter) e da Tesla, respondeu a uma postagem do ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF),...

  • 06/04/2024
  • 22:26:24
  • Geral
A sociedade como um todo foi vítima da ditadura, diz especialista sobre justiça e reparação
Últimas Notícias

A sociedade como um todo foi vítima da ditadura, diz especialista sobre justiça e reparação

O Brasil completa, em 1º de abril deste ano, 60 anos do golpe militar de 1964.

  • 02/04/2024
  • 07:35:30
  • Geral
'Women couldn't even have an ID; only men had it,' says activist Maria Querobina
Últimas Notícias

'Women couldn't even have an ID; only men had it,' says activist Maria Querobina

The great-granddaughter of an Indigenous woman "caught in the lasso", Maria Querobina is a historic babassu coconut breaker from southern...

  • 08/03/2024
  • 13:51:26
  • Geral
Bolsonaro asks for 'erasing the past' and demands amnesty for the January 8 coup plotter
Últimas Notícias

Bolsonaro asks for 'erasing the past' and demands amnesty for the January 8 coup plotter

On Sunday (25), during an act on Paulista Avenue, former President Jair Bolsonaro (Liberal Party) asked Brazil to "erase the past", a reference to...

  • 26/02/2024
  • 18:24:11
  • Geral
Evangelical leaders praise Lula
Últimas Notícias

Evangelical leaders praise Lula"s statement and say there is no contradiction in being a believer and criticizing Israel

President's Lula statement that caused a diplomatic crisis with Israel was praised by evangelical leaders heard by Brasil de Fato.

  • 23/02/2024
  • 17:51:48
  • Geral
COCEL informa sobre desligamentos de energia programados de 30/02 a 02/02

COCEL informa sobre desligamentos de energia programados de 30/02 a 02/02

A Companhia Campolarguense de Energia Elétrica (Cocel) informa que interrupções são necessárias para a realização de obras de melhoria e

In New York, street people are threatened by the winter and inequality
Latest news

In New York, street people are threatened by the winter and inequality

New York City has over 100,000 homeless people. In winter, this reality shows dramatic new lines. During this period of the year, the average...

  • 18/01/2024
  • 10:39:21
  • Geral
Mercosur and EU: understand why the agreement wasn
Mercosur and EU

Mercosur and EU: understand why the agreement wasn

At the end of 2023, the Mercosur and European Union agreement, which had been discussed for over twenty years, stopped again. The Brazilian...

  • 16/01/2024
  • 10:20:22
  • Geral
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