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Encontramos 61 resultados para o termo The Office

Bruno and Dom two years later: Javari Valley awaits trial and praises their legacy
Últimas Notícias

Bruno and Dom two years later: Javari Valley awaits trial and praises their legacy

On June 5, 2022, two defenders of the Amazon went missing in the vicinity of the Javari Valley Indigenous Land.

  • 07/06/2024
  • 11:12:13
  • Geral
Landless Rural Workers and Indigenous peoples take joint action in reforestation activity in Brazil
Últimas Notícias

Landless Rural Workers and Indigenous peoples take joint action in reforestation activity in Brazil

In a joint action, the Landless Rural Workers' Movement (MST, in Portuguese), Kaingang and Guarani Mbya Indigenous peoples airdropped three tons of...

  • 05/06/2024
  • 15:40:47
  • Geral
After expulsion followed by the arrest of a priest and a public defender, families camp neighboring a farm say they are under threat
Últimas Notícias

After expulsion followed by the arrest of a priest and a public defender, families camp neighboring a farm say they are under threat

Camped by the side of a road under high-voltage cables and on the edge of the Cinco Estrelas farm, in the rural area of the town of Novo Mundo, in...

  • 31/05/2024
  • 19:16:30
  • Geral
Últimas Notícias

After expulsion followed by the arrest of a priest and a public defender, families camp neighboring a farm say they are under threat

Camped by the side of a road under high-voltage cables and on the edge of the Cinco Estrelas farm, in the rural area of the town of Novo Mundo, in...

  • 31/05/2024
  • 18:16:32
  • Geral
Rio Grande do Sul Prosecutor's Office to look at state's partnership with US company Alvarez & Marsal
Últimas Notícias

Rio Grande do Sul Prosecutor's Office to look at state's partnership with US company Alvarez & Marsal

State deputy Laura Sito (Workers' Party) has called on the Rio Grande do Sul Public Prosecutor's Office (MP-RS, in Portuguese) to investigate the...

  • 21/05/2024
  • 16:51:25
  • Geral
The Landless Workers' Movement expands occupations and takes 28 large estates in one week
Últimas Notícias

The Landless Workers' Movement expands occupations and takes 28 large estates in one week

On Wednesday (17), when Brazil remembered the 28th anniversary of the Eldorado do Carajás massacre, the Landless Workers' Movement (also known

  • 18/04/2024
  • 12:05:37
  • Geral
To Haitian intellectual, the crisis Haiti faces is one of 'political criminality' to make it easier for the US to intervene
Latest news

To Haitian intellectual, the crisis Haiti faces is one of 'political criminality' to make it easier for the US to intervene

The crisis Haiti has faced since the end of last year, with the announcement in October of a Kenyan-led UN Mission to send troops to the country,...

  • 12/04/2024
  • 10:17:57
  • Geral
Agroecology to tackle hunger: Entity presents a proposal to the Lula government and asks for priority
Últimas Notícias

Agroecology to tackle hunger: Entity presents a proposal to the Lula government and asks for priority

On Tuesday (9), the National Agroecology Association (ANA, in Portuguese) presented to the Lula government a set of proposals aimed at building the...

  • 22/03/2024
  • 10:56:58
  • Geral
On Thursday (14), the Inter-American Court rules on the murder of rural worker Antônio Tavares
Últimas Notícias

On Thursday (14), the Inter-American Court rules on the murder of rural worker Antônio Tavares

On Thursday (14), the Inter-American Court of Human Rights will make public its ruling against the Brazilian state for its omission and failure to...

  • 13/03/2024
  • 14:43:57
  • Geral
'Women couldn't even have an ID; only men had it,' says activist Maria Querobina
Últimas Notícias

'Women couldn't even have an ID; only men had it,' says activist Maria Querobina

The great-granddaughter of an Indigenous woman "caught in the lasso", Maria Querobina is a historic babassu coconut breaker from southern...

  • 08/03/2024
  • 13:51:26
  • Geral
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