Resultado da Busca

Encontramos 7 resultados para o termo Temperatures

Brazil surpasses 5 million cases of dengue

Brazil surpasses 5 million cases of dengue

Data from Brazil's Ministry of Health shows that the country surpassed 5 million dengue fever cases in 2024, meaning an all-time record: it is higher

With the heat wave, the state of Rio de Janeiro will record 5ºC above average on Sunday
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With the heat wave, the state of Rio de Janeiro will record 5ºC above average on Sunday

Brazil's Meteorological Institute (Inmet, in Portuguese) warns that towns and cities in the state of Rio de Janeiro are likely to face a heat wave...

  • 03/05/2024
  • 12:28:56
  • Geral
Understand how the US blockade causes blackouts in Cuba
Últimas Notícias

Understand how the US blockade causes blackouts in Cuba

On Sunday (17), many protests took place in the province of Santiago de Cuba (on the east side of the country) against the prolonged and repeated...

  • 20/03/2024
  • 17:44:58
  • Geral
In New York, street people are threatened by the winter and inequality
Latest news

In New York, street people are threatened by the winter and inequality

New York City has over 100,000 homeless people. In winter, this reality shows dramatic new lines. During this period of the year, the average...

  • 18/01/2024
  • 10:39:21
  • Geral
European climate observatory points out 2023 as the hottest year on record
Últimas Notícias

European climate observatory points out 2023 as the hottest year on record

Data released on Tuesday (9) by the Copernicus Climate Change Service, linked to the European Union and known as C3S, show that 2023 was the hottest...

  • 12/01/2024
  • 17:51:22
  • Geral
Está com calor? Imagine viver na cidade mais gelada do mundo; conheça!

Está com calor? Imagine viver na cidade mais gelada do mundo; conheça!

Imagine acordar e sair de casa se deparando com temperaturas médias de -50°C? Não parece muito convidativo, né? Então,...

  • 29/12/2021
  • 22:11:51
  • Geral

Inscrições abertas para estudantes de universidades estrangeiras em disciplina sobre doenças transmitidas por vetores

Estão abertas as inscrições para a disciplina "Epidemiology of Vector-Borne Diseases" (Epidemiologia de doenças transmitidas por vetores)...

Jornalista Luciana Pombo

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