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Encontramos 28 resultados para o termo Ever Crisis

Lula announces measures to keep jobs in Rio Grande do Sul and expand aid beneficiaries
Últimas Notícias

Lula announces measures to keep jobs in Rio Grande do Sul and expand aid beneficiaries

On Thursday (6), President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party) announced a new package of measures to support the population affected...

  • 07/06/2024
  • 14:10:56
  • Geral
Find out how illegal miners in the Amazon use Elon Musk's internet to evade surveillance
Últimas Notícias

Find out how illegal miners in the Amazon use Elon Musk's internet to evade surveillance

In a video published on the social media platform TikTok, an illegal mining influencer shows off a vital working tool: a satellite internet antenna.

  • 15/05/2024
  • 19:08:35
  • Geral
Vale company benefited from violations against the Gavião Indigenous people during the dictatorship
Últimas Notícias

Vale company benefited from violations against the Gavião Indigenous people during the dictatorship

On February 28, 1985, the Vale do Rio Doce train passed through the Mãe Maria Indigenous Reserve in southeastern Pará state for the first time.

  • 07/05/2024
  • 14:03:34
  • Geral
A manifesto for freedom: Madonna plays her biggest ever gig to 1.6 million people in Rio
Últimas Notícias

A manifesto for freedom: Madonna plays her biggest ever gig to 1.6 million people in Rio

From Paulo Freire to Zumbi dos Palmares, the long-awaited and historic concert by US singer Madonna on Copacabana beach, on Saturday (4), celebrated...

  • 06/05/2024
  • 14:56:34
  • Geral
Even with a decrease in poverty, inequality in Brazil 'is still brutal,' says expert
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Even with a decrease in poverty, inequality in Brazil 'is still brutal,' says expert

In Brazil, the income of the richest 10% is more than 14 times higher than the income of the poorest 40%, according to data from IBGE's Continuous...

  • 25/04/2024
  • 10:58:18
  • Geral
To Haitian intellectual, the crisis Haiti faces is one of 'political criminality' to make it easier for the US to intervene
Latest news

To Haitian intellectual, the crisis Haiti faces is one of 'political criminality' to make it easier for the US to intervene

The crisis Haiti has faced since the end of last year, with the announcement in October of a Kenyan-led UN Mission to send troops to the country,...

  • 12/04/2024
  • 10:17:57
  • Geral
Quais títulos jogar antes de entrar no mundo de Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth?
Final Fantasy VII

Quais títulos jogar antes de entrar no mundo de Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth?

Com lançamento marcado para esta quinta-feira (29), Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth é o segundo título do projeto remake da consagrada franquia...

Evangelical leaders praise Lula
Últimas Notícias

Evangelical leaders praise Lula"s statement and say there is no contradiction in being a believer and criticizing Israel

President's Lula statement that caused a diplomatic crisis with Israel was praised by evangelical leaders heard by Brasil de Fato.

  • 23/02/2024
  • 17:51:48
  • Geral
How do monsters live? A panorama of the far right

How do monsters live? A panorama of the far right

When Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the 2022 Brazilian presidential elections, a kind of collective relief took not only Brazil, but also Latin...

In New York, street people are threatened by the winter and inequality
Latest news

In New York, street people are threatened by the winter and inequality

New York City has over 100,000 homeless people. In winter, this reality shows dramatic new lines. During this period of the year, the average...

  • 18/01/2024
  • 10:39:21
  • Geral
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