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Encontramos 4 resultados para o termo European Energy

At the presidency of G20, Brazil promotes first meeting of chancellors on Wednesday (21)
Últimas Notícias

At the presidency of G20, Brazil promotes first meeting of chancellors on Wednesday (21)

The first G20 ministerial meeting under the Brazilian presidency begins today (21) with the countries' foreign ministers at Marina da Glória,...

  • 21/02/2024
  • 18:33:11
  • Geral
Mercosur and EU: understand why the agreement wasn
Mercosur and EU

Mercosur and EU: understand why the agreement wasn

At the end of 2023, the Mercosur and European Union agreement, which had been discussed for over twenty years, stopped again. The Brazilian...

  • 16/01/2024
  • 10:20:22
  • Geral
Summit between Latin America and the EU begins with Lula's defense of the environmental agenda
Últimas Notícias

Summit between Latin America and the EU begins with Lula's defense of the environmental agenda

This Monday, July 17, the summit bringing together countries from the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) and the European Union

  • 17/07/2023
  • 19:19:37
  • Geral
ambiental e de governança

Logística sustentável em construção

Especialistas em ESG (social, ambiental e de governança) são categóricos ao afirmar que na economia verde ou os agentes...

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